Sunday, July 10, 2022

Rainy Days.....


 We have been getting some much needed rain yesterday and today...high of 76 expected today....yippee!!!

Yesterday was such a pleasant day...the DVHSG meeting was very informative with Linda Vinson of Needlemade Designs giving a presentaion about her Civil War Huswif. I need to revisit some family history but believe my great, great grandfather fought for the confederacy and was a prisoner of war in a Union camp. I found out my grandmother was born in Richmond, VA, which I never knew until my daughter moved to that area (and yes, we followed).

We had a small group for RVA Stitchers, just 4 of us, but it was very nice to talk "stitching" and share our projects.

I worked on the iStitch SAL last night and have one more week to do to catch up by this Friday. Sorry so dark and wrinkled but it's a lazy Sunday morning!


Luke finally ate some food...after I added some shredded cheese. He's a good dog but very protective. He sits right by me or Rich and is sleeping at the foot of our bed. He's very laid back until he sees another dog or feels threatened. He went a little bezerk on our screened porch this morning when he saw our neighbor's little dog out walking. I have to be careful when walking him as he is very strong, so Rich is doing most of the walking duty.

Sorry but I wanted to mention again about the no-reply blogger comments, as I can't respond to you. Sue's so nice to 'meet' you and I appreciate your tip about turning corners; I had never heard that in all my years of sewing. I found your blog but no e-mail was listed, so I'm responding here.

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. Your iStitch SAL piece is looking good, Stasi. Your Zoom meeting sounded interesting. Even though there were only 4 of you at Panera, it still sounded like a lovely outing. Glad Luke ate a bit!

  2. Regarding the no-reply comments, I had a very difficult time figuring out why I can't leave comments on blogs. The feedback on the blog was to enable third party cookies which I did have enabled. It wasn't until I also allowed cross site tracking that I could leave this comment. I'm on a Mac so using safari. So frustrating but I'm glad I finally have it figured out!

    Your I-Stitch SAL piece is just gorgeous!

  3. Glad your meeting was fun & that Luke finally ate something.
    Your SAL is looking great.

  4. Thanks Stasi, that little tip was a real game changer for me, so I hope it proves useful to you. Your Sal piece is beautiful and I love the edging on your banding.

    Happy Stitching!

  5. Love a huswife. Bet it was a great talk.

  6. How interesting to have that family history, Stasi! I have no idea about my ancestors roles in the Civil War, but being from New York--I bet they were fighting on the opposite side :)
