A quick swing by with a report from my visit yesterday to the 2nd annual Needlework Emporium in Bethesda, MD. It was a 2 1/2 drive, but well worth it! I met two friends from DE/NJ there, one whose blog you may be familiar with, Robin from Crafting with the Stitch Witch, and Stacy S. We spent a couple hours perusing the dozen or so vendors (it was not a large show, but was jam packed with goodies....vintage buttons, trims, linens (hankies, table runners, etc.) pincushions and sewing accessories. Here are some shots of a few booths:
I picked up a few goodies myself...some (?) bone/ivory purse handles (which I also thought might work for the top of banding), tiny pearl rectangular buttons, a delicate 'B', some trim and a teeny tiny thread winder.
This vendor had a number of precious hand drawn (colored pencil) drawings that she added buttons to. Stacy S. found this one for me...can you see why???
Last, but not least, is this adorable fish pin cushion by Deborah Hartwick .
This just made me smile every time I looked at it and I thought it quite appropriate since my maiden name is Codd......it even came with the fish bowl and buttons! She stuffs her pincushions with sawdust and they are solidly stuffed and have such a nice weight to them. Have a look see at her website by clicking on her name above.
You may want to check out Robin's found treasures on her blog:Crafting with the Stitch Witch
We ate a quick lunch at Balducci's, a local grocery store that had fabulous sandwiches....then a 2 1/2 drive home , going in different directions.
It was a busy day, because last evening we went out to dinner at a Hibachi restaurant to celebrate my daughter's birthday. Here is a shot of the group:

and the hot milk cake I made for dessert:

Rich, on his own, had done a 9 mile hike, so it was early to bed for us!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
I picked up a few goodies myself...some (?) bone/ivory purse handles (which I also thought might work for the top of banding), tiny pearl rectangular buttons, a delicate 'B', some trim and a teeny tiny thread winder.
Last, but not least, is this adorable fish pin cushion by Deborah Hartwick .
This just made me smile every time I looked at it and I thought it quite appropriate since my maiden name is Codd......it even came with the fish bowl and buttons! She stuffs her pincushions with sawdust and they are solidly stuffed and have such a nice weight to them. Have a look see at her website by clicking on her name above.
You may want to check out Robin's found treasures on her blog:Crafting with the Stitch Witch
We ate a quick lunch at Balducci's, a local grocery store that had fabulous sandwiches....then a 2 1/2 drive home , going in different directions.
It was a busy day, because last evening we went out to dinner at a Hibachi restaurant to celebrate my daughter's birthday. Here is a shot of the group:

and the hot milk cake I made for dessert:

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!