Happy New Year one and and all!!! I could wax on forever about the year 2020 but I will suffice it to say "good-bye and good riddance"! Here's to a happier, healthier 2021, albeit with a few more months of minimal sacrifice for the majority of us. Hang in there folks, we will make it!!!
On to some needlework topics......The USPS was, understandably, quite overwhelmed this year and there was some anxiety about whether items would arrive...or not. I still have one gift to a friend floating around in a distribution center somewhere, so won't share the gifts I made until I know all have reached their destination. But, I was thrilled to receive some lovely gifts from stitching friends. First up is Robin who sent three adorable ornaments all which jumped on my tree after arrival. The one on the right is a key painted as a snowman...this one really tickled my fancy! Thank you Robin, I love them all!
This photo shows my gifts from Vickie and Carol. Vickie made the bluebird from an antique quilt and Carol's ornament is so sweet and impeccably finished. These are also hanging on my tree with the exception of the quilted magnet, which I have stuck to my rolling metal tray next to my stitching chair. Thanks ladies for your thoughtfulness--it is much appreciated.
One gift I will share was to a dear friend.....Hand and Heart Stitchers Mat by Scattered Seed Samplers. This created a bit of worry as it was mailed across the pond, leaving December 3. It arrived Christmas Eve, safe and sound......a Christmas miracle, perhaps?
Since this was a relatively low key holiday season, I managed to squeeze in some personal stitching/finishing. To be honest, I kind of liked the absence of the usual holiday frenzy. So, here are some pieces to add, officially, to my Stroll.
I finished a 6th square on Houses of Hawk Run Hollow (second from left on bottom row) . I stitch right to left, so that is actually house #7.
Next is my finish of the 2020 Blackwork SAL by Peppermnt Purple. I have a lot of banding left, so I'm goingto continue to add the 2021 SAL to this. So far, it's about 38" long!

This is Be Merry and Bright by The Scarlett House...more on this later....stitched over 0ne on 35 ct. Lucky Penny linen from R&R.

Next up is the 2003 Santa from Prairie Schooler. I couldn't believe this was the first of their annual Santa's I have stitched!!! I saw this frame at Michael's with the checkered mat and had to find a design to fit...and get it stitched this year since it has 2020 engraved in it. The PS Santa fit perfectly with a little tweaking.
This fun piece is Rack Stack by Plum Street Samplers. I did this the beginning of the year and finally got around to finishing it. I painted a wooden box and mounted the stitching on top. Isn't the reindeer charm cute?
This was a quickie I did for a friend's baby's first Christmas. Again a tiny frame from Michael's with December Joy from Twisted Threads. Stitched over one for a perfect fit!
I love how Reindeer Feed Sack by Carriage House Samplings turned out. (I think I'm on a reindeer kick). This hangs on my back door.
Last, but not least, is Merry and Minty, the generous offering from Brenda Gervais, made just in time for Christmas. I finished this on two halves of a wooden box (I took off the hardware) and joined them together with a ribbon wrapping around the seam. I used beads for my candy canes, but otherwise stitched as called for.
Now, back to Be Merry and Bright..... an internet friend had paid this chart forward to me with the original fabrics and leftover fibers. I am now going to also pay it forward with a drawing. I did not use the fabric or leftover fibers she provided, so they will be included. To enter, please mention you'd like to be included and I will draw a name on January 15th.
Whew...that's it for 2020...I must say I did get a lot accomplished and am so thankful I had this rewarding craft to help get me through this challenging year. I remember at the beginning of lockdowns, stitchers joking "no problem..we've been preparing for this our whole lives"!!! Truer words may never have been spoken for us!!! I got a lot of stash stitching done, while trying to support LNS's. I did tend toward small projects that gave me a sense of accomplishment and that I could finish using items on hand..... I do have to admit to 'jumping for joy' when Hobby Lobby reopened. It has been a lonely 9 1/2 months but I have zoomed with my guilds, been active on FB and IG, and that has helped tremendously to keep connected.
I truly appreciate all those that take the time to read and comment on my blog. I do try to respond to every comment, but if you are a no-reply blogger, I'm sad that I can't reply to your posts. If you'd like to strike up a conversation, please change that setting or add an e-mail address to your comment. Wishes to all for a happier, healthy New Year!!! May we get back to our retreats/events, meeting in person, hugs and NO masks!
Thanks, as ever, for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
* A little side note...I
am starting my 10th year of blogging and finally got photos to be side
by side!!! Not sure how it's happening, but am thrilled...just hope it