Monday, July 25, 2022

Pretty in Pink.....


I saw these Nurge hoops on Sylvia's Running with Needles and Scissors floss tube and thought I'd give them a whirl. So not a "pink" person..... I did think of you, Vickie...but I like the shape. I think it will be more versatile than the typical round ones...we shall see. They came in 4 different sizes; this is small and extra small. There is also a medium and large. I find I am back to using hoops again, after years of Q-snaps or in hand stitching, as long as I can get the whole design within the perimeter. You can find them on Amazon if interested. 

On the stitching front, I started the pin cube on the Jeanette Douglas piece. This will be the last of the smalls. Jeanette did have two scissor fob designs, but I'm opting for just the one shown earlier.

Will be hitting Planet Fitness this afternoon to walk on the treadmill. Made it 5 days last week..always get a spot under the huge fans!!!

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. Interesting looking hoops! Hope you share your thoughts on them!

  2. Yes, the hoops are pretty in pink! 🤩🤩🤩 I have pink hoops in all different sizes! HA! They are round though. I do not use them often though. I really am a Q-snap girl. They work very, very well with my K's creation table stand. I have been using that combo for many years now.

  3. Those hoops look interesting.
    Let us know how you like them.
    Can't wait to see your finish on that project!

  4. Hi Stasi: I like the look of these hoops. I prefer not using round hoops.


  5. Do you find the hoops easier to handle? I always think of Vickie when I see anything pink or poodle related!!
