Saturday, July 9, 2022

One down, One to Go.......

 Today is a busy day...I have a zoom meeting with the Delaware Historical Sampler Guild this morning, a presentation by Linda Vinson on her Civil War Huswife. Then, this afternoon, getting together with the RVA Stitchers at Panera.....looking forward to both!

I managed to get the Spirit of Christmas Angel cut out and these are the amazing scissors I used. A friend gave them to me years ago and they have the sharpest points that work great on the perforated paper.

Here is the finish of Hope, Love and Joy by Samsarah. I wasn't necessarily planning on the bow, but accidentally "pushed" through that corner while turning...UGH!!!! It was a fairly loose linen and I should have been more careful! Anyway, it was easily corrected and then I could add the cute little pine cone charm.

 Luke, we are dog sitting my daughter's dog, didn't eat yesterday....hopefully he'll eat something today!!! We figure he misses his family!

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. Luke is out of his routine so hopefully he will eat something today. Glad you got the angel cut out and the Hope ornament finished. Well done, Stasi! Enjoy your Zoom meeting as well as your Panera gathering!

  2. Hi Stasi, it's so good to find an active stitching blog, so many seem to have given them up in favour of Instagram or Facebook.

    Your stitching is beautiful, and now I have found you I will spend some time reading your past blogs.

    It's ashame about the corner of your pillow. I was given a tip a few years back, which works well for me and it means no more prodding with sharp implements. Before to turn it, put a loop of thread in the corner, so that ends are on the inside before you turn it. Then once it's turned, tug on the threads and it pulls the corner out perfectly. Hope that helps.
    Happy Stitching
    Sue x

  3. The Angel is awesome, can't wait to see it put together.
    I've done that many times, sometimes a little interfacing helps.
    It's a cute finish.
    I hope Luke is better today.
