Friday, January 6, 2023

Six Days in......


.....and not a lot of stitching accomplished. We spent the last three days helping my parents with their transition planning and attending a memorial for my cousin who passed on Thanksgiving. It is always nice to see my extended family... it is a large one....I have well over 30 cousins plus spouses...alwys lots of catching up to do!

I did finish an ornament while driving in the car....another one from Noel en Bleu by Lila's Studio. I will finish it the same as the other two...on a wooden snowflake.

Now, back to the grind...laundry, grocery, de-Christmasing, etc.. I hope to put a needle to fabric sometime today!!!

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. It sounds like you have had a busy few days, Stasi. Your ornament finish is darling. I had picked this to stitch for Bruce in 2023, but a friend stitched it for me so I need to come up with another design for him. I have several of these sweaters on my stitching list for 2023. Happy Friday and have an enjoyable weekend.

  2. Sometimes stitching has to take a back seat for more important things and I;m sure that your parents appreciate all the help you are giving them. I'm so sorry to of the loss of your cousin. It does seem to be the norm that these occasions are the only time that extended family get together. Have a good weekend and Happy Stitching! Sue

  3. Sorry to hear about your cousin.
    I hope your parents' transition goes well
    Those sweater ornaments are so cute.
    I took Christmas down yesterday, today is the task of moving all the furniture & cleaning well. UGH!

  4. It's always nice to catch up with family, but sad when it's for that reason. Sorry for the loss of your cousin.
    I love the sweater, it looks great! I think I need to look into doing that for gifts.
