Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Rain, Rain Don't Go Away......

 Yes!!!!! We finally got some rain yesterday and more in the forecast today...much welcomed.

The grand baby is coming to visit this weekend. We will drive to get my parents Friday and bring them to our house so they can meet the little fella. I don't have to baby proof yet, but need to prepare for company. Can't wait to see-hold-and love on our sweet baby boy!!!

I am close to finishing the stitching on the pin cube for the Jeanette Douglas piece. 

And I chose my project for the August Summer Cross Stitch Camp with the Colorado Stitcher, but will wait to share until August 1st. The theme is to try something new to you, so I have picked a new to me thread and a designer I have never stitched.

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. Stasi: How sweet Baby is coming, I love the smell of babies, you are so lucky.
    I hope and pray you have perfect weather for the visit.
    Nice progress on the cube, I found it was easy to construct after stitching.
    We had four inch's of rain yesterday, still 1 1/2 inch's short for the summer so far.


  2. Yesterday's rain was great, the continued humidity not so much! Your project is looking good. Can't wait to hear about your August camp project!

  3. We have had rain also, it was getting very dry.
    Can't wait to see your camp project.

  4. Oh, that is great that your parents will meet their latest great-grandson! It's so much easier to have them visit when they're not yet mobile--enjoy!!
