Thank you for all the prayers and personal messages after my last post. Things are still rather "dicey" but pushing through and trying to provide support when needed. I appreciate all of your means a lot to me!
I got some stitching done over the weekend on the Red Band Sampler SAL and Celtic Banner. I'm up to date on the SAL--can it really be 8 weeks already? I'm at the point where I can't show it all at once w/o taking it off my scroll bars, so it will be tiny sections from here on in.
I did another section of the border on the Celtic Banner and started a couple new motifs in the center. It's been interesting going back and forth between over 1 on 28 count to over 2 on 29 eyes definitely need to adjust with the switch!
My old town of Cincinnati is suffering from flooding along the Ohio River. I can remember a couple times when the river exceeded flood stage and the terrible damage it caused to businesses and homes alike. My thoughts are with those in the Mid-west dealing with this.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
I am starting off today asking for positive thoughts/prayers for my daughter and her family. I will not go into details, but just say they are having a difficult time right now. Thank you!
I try to get some stitching in every day; I miss it when I can't. It provides comfort to me in times of stress .....the soothing rhythm of the needle. Back on Jan.1, 2011, I was told by an ER doctor that I had a cancerous growth in my uterus--didn't turn out to be so...thankfully, but I had to live the next 6 weeks with that preying on my mind. I did what I had to on a daily basis ---grocery shopping and meals, laundry, running our business, etc..but mostly I retreated to my little stitching nest and put needle to fabric. My needlework is what got me through!!! And so it is now......I've been working, when I can, on the mandala portion of the Celtic Banner and finished it up last night. It's given me a distraction when needed and soothed my soul.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship. Stasi
Happy Valentine's Day!!! I was trying to explain what Lent was to Cora last night (the grands came over for Pancake Tuesday dinner), that people gave up something they really liked for the 40 days leading up to Easter and examples of what that might be. She looked at me astonished and said she could NEVER give up candy and it's lucky she doesn't have to since her church doesn't practice that tradition. I guess it is bad timing that Valentine's Day is the first day of Lent this year.
Here is something sweet, but only as eye candy, my latest finish and addition to my Stitch Stroll. It is the freebie chart by DMC, Alphabet Heart, or as it's listed on the DMC site, Coeur Lettres. I stitched this over one on 32 count Victorian Red linen with GAST Oatmeal and Victorian Pink ; I used the pink for my hubby and my initials. I added pearl seed beads in place of sets of three stitches that were spread sporadically throughout the design. I mounted the stitched piece onto a larger fabric covered heart and added the pearl heart with ribbon at the top. The stitched piece is about 3 1/2 " X 3 1/2".
Hard to believe we are already up to week 6 on the Red Sampler BAnd SAL, and so far, I've been keeping up. Whew!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship---hope you have a sweet day with your loved ones!!! Stasi
Greetings all! I hope you are all surviving this crazy up and down weather and staying healthy. I know the flu and a stomach virus are making the rounds and I am doing my best to fight them off with lots of hand washing, essential oils and crowd least as much as I can.
I'm starting off with a couple Stroll pieces today, a Shepherd's Bush Fold kit from 2001, February and, to make Cute as a Button (2018) by Needle Bling Designs official, I'm reposting it.
I had been working on my Celtic Banner .....
.....when the Valentine's Day bug hit me and I remembered a DMC freebie I had printed out awhile ago..... wonder of wonders, I was able to put my hands on it. The red fabrics I bought last weekend were also calling out to me, so an idea started brewing and this is what I have so far. I'm using GAST Oatmeal over one on a 32 count Victorian Red linen.
Did you notice the adorable pouch? My friend, Debbie, gifted that to me last weekend and it is perfect to hold this little project --thanks Deb!
It's going to be a rainy day here so stitching is on the schedule. Hope you are warm, dry and healthy wherever you are! Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
I finished St. Nick up yesterday. The
original directions for his mustache (kept thinking this didn't look right and needed an "o", but this is the American way to spell) called for making "Cam's Coils" (named after the
designer) where you wrapped the floss in circles and couched them down. I
had a heck of a time getting the circles to stay put and look nice, so I
looked for an alternative. I remembered seeing some Woolly White at Salty Yarns, so I bought it this past weekend. I couched this down trying to make little swirls as I went. The buttons came with the kit though I switched one out because it was way too big. This guy measures 8 X 6 inches. Presenting Olde St. Nicholas by Ewe and Ewe and Friends:
Now to ponder some finishing.... Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
First, I'm back home safe and mishaps along the way!!
It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend, as usual. There are approximately 16 ladies who make the trek each year and we are split between 4 different apartments. We visit between the apartments to check out what everyone is working on and have "show and tell". We eat, shop, stitch, sleep and start over the next day--it is truly a stitcher's paradise! Sometimes some of us will walk the boards, but it was too cold and windy this year.
One of the ladies, Jayne, was working on a fabulous project...over one. The detail is amazing and I asked if I could share on my blog since she doesn't post on FB. It is a design from Thea Gouverneur called America and this photo definitely doesn't do it justice. What you're seeing was about 12 X 6 inches....give or take.
Other ladies were working on various projects ...some more challenging likeDeath by Cross Stitch and the Linen and Threads 2017 Mystery Sampler and others on projects that didn't require as much concentration. Whatever is being stitched, we are all motivated by and relish in each other's accomplishments. I was tickled to be able to bring up week 5 of my Red Sampler Band SAL on my tablet and stitch from it.
I also got the the threads for the Celtic Banner and started on the border.
Of course I indulged in some retail therapy which I'll share now. When we arrive we all get a Salty Yarns shopping bag which we put our name on. Sally had made tags with the Super Bowl team names on them and we could choose which team we'd be rooting for. I chose the winners!!! Woo-hoo!
Then we start filling our bags....first up some fabric and fibers...I was on a red I found I don't have this color in my stash and thought it wold be great to have on hand for Valentine's Day and Christmas. I bought the new DMC colors and some silks for a project; the dark ones are for the Celtic Banner.
Then I bought a few charts and some wool for the beard on my Ewe and Eye Santa.
The Summer House chart is called Reality Check and supposedly has 15 motifs representing some reality TV shows. I was able to figure out a few..can you spot any?
Last, but not least, was my favorite purchase...don't you just love the definition?
It's now back to reality and I can't procrosstinate any more....thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
PS I have noticed other bloggers stating this and thought I would too. I try to respond to all comments, but if you are a no reply blogger, I can't. So, if you'd like me to respond, please leave your e-mail address. Otherwise, I try to reply to your post and you would have to remember to go back there to check. Thanks--I don't want people to think I am ignoring them. :)
It'sa tad chilly here in OCMD, but we are warm in our little apartment. I took some photos inside Salty Yarns (and this is just a small sampling) to share and will let them speak for themselves. It is a stitcher's many charts, fabrics and fibers. Enjoy!!!
I had trouble with the internet all weekend so am quickly posting this now. Will be back soon with more about the weekend! Stasi