Today's post is a little freebie from Charland Designs. It's a little late for Valentine's Day but I thought I'd sneak it in to end my February stroll. When I worked at Twisted Threads, we had an ornament of the month club and I would take freebie charts and change them up. We would then make up a kit with my changes and make it available to our customers. This is one of those; sadly I don't have many but managed to get a few when we closed.
Now, I have some flowers to share from The Beekeeper's Cottage Etui. I finished stitching the Sunflower pinkeep, front and back. I did change the bee on the back to a more "realistic" one.
I also got The Pansy Needlebook stitched. It says "think of me" up the spine.
Growing up in Baltimore, Shrove Tuesday was always Pancake Tuesday and we have continued the tradition wherever we lived. So, we're having the grandkids over tonight and pancakes are definitely on the menu! It's interesting how different areas enjoy different traditional pastries this day. When we lived in Bethelehem, PA everyone feasted on fastnachts, a type of doughnut.
When we lived in Cincinnati, the locals devoured Paczki the day before Lent.

Me, I'm good with any and all pastries at any time, but my hips don't appreciate all that flour, sugar and fat!!!
I hope you will be enjoying your traditional pre-lenten treat today and would enjoy hearing if you have one different than the ones I cited.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Candy Hearts by Charland Designs |
I also got The Pansy Needlebook stitched. It says "think of me" up the spine.
Growing up in Baltimore, Shrove Tuesday was always Pancake Tuesday and we have continued the tradition wherever we lived. So, we're having the grandkids over tonight and pancakes are definitely on the menu! It's interesting how different areas enjoy different traditional pastries this day. When we lived in Bethelehem, PA everyone feasted on fastnachts, a type of doughnut.
When we lived in Cincinnati, the locals devoured Paczki the day before Lent.
Me, I'm good with any and all pastries at any time, but my hips don't appreciate all that flour, sugar and fat!!!
I hope you will be enjoying your traditional pre-lenten treat today and would enjoy hearing if you have one different than the ones I cited.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!