It is so hard to believe it is the last day of August, especially since the temps are nice and no humidity!!! Since we couldn't do Kings Dominion yesterday, we opted to take the grand kids to Sky Zone, where they jumped on trampolines to their heart's content, and then out for dinner. They asked to spend the night, so we then had a little impromptu sleepover (this is why we moved to Richmond)!!! They are off today to meet their starts next Tuesday.
I'm veering from my usual path and sharing a few beaded pieces for my Stroll today. In my late teens, I was turned on to bead weaving and started with a narrow belt width bead loom from Tandy's, a leather craft store back then. Here are three belts I made; I tried to put one around my waist......was I ever that skinny??? LOL
My boyfriend, now hubby, made me a wider loom out of wood with stretched springs at each end to separate the warp threads. My first project on that loom was a small bag.
Patterns were hard to come by, mostly American Indian themed, and I even resorted to using motifs off the Whitman candy boxes. I would have a hey day now with all the graphs at my fingertips!!!
No stitching last night with the kiddies here, but quality time spent tucking them in and chatting for awhile.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Well, I'm sitting here typing instead of being on my way to Kings Dominion. :( Luckily I got on line yesterday to check their hours and saw they were closed yesterday, today and tomorrow. I don't understand why that is, since this is the last full week of summer, and we had heard the schools here don't go back until after Labor Day so that KD has its work force until then. We are bummed but will carry on!!!
Today's Stroll piece is Autumn by The Drawn Thread, my favorite time of year.
Not much stitching yesterday since we had the kids all day and I just chilled for the evening watching he final three episodes of Downton Abbey. I think I heard somewhere that they are planning a movie and I hope that's true. I truly miss the Crawleys and their extended "family". Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
Continued prayers and positive thoughts for the people in the Houston area. Our niece lives in downtown Houston and has had to move twice now to get somewhere safe. Luckily she's had friends who are able to take her in, but doesn't know what she'll find when she is able to get back home. I just can't imagine dealing with the magnitude of this disaster and hope recovery goes smoothly.
Today's Stroll piece is number three in the series, Summer by The Drawn Thread. I love the bee band....of course!
I have "grown" some more trees on the stocking; I think this is my favorite band.
We've got the grand kids on this rainy day, so Descendants is already playing on the TV and games are lined up. Tomorrow we hope to take them to Kings Dominion as an end of summer treat. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
First, positive thoughts and prayers for the people in SE Texas as they endure another day of heavy rain and flooding. It's heart breaking to see the photos of all the people being affected, the devastation and loss, but also uplifting to see how neighbors are helping neighbors, civilians manning boats and rescuing strangers. I truly hope Harvey will push on ASAP.
Next, the cake turned out great, very moist and yummy, and we had a nice day celebrating my hubby's birthday. Here's a shot of him blowing out the candles with a little help from a friend!
We got our first walk, in approximately two months, in this morning. It was in the 60's and so very pleasant. We slept with the windows open last night and it was heavenly!
My Stroll piece for the day is Spring by The Drawn Thread.
I did manage to get some stitching in yesterday, after our company left...week 19 on the Blue Band SAL.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
We had a very relaxing couple days at the beach for hubby's birthday with my brother and his wife. Today is actually his birthday so we are having my daughter and her family over for lunch. I'm in the process of making a "from scratch" devil's food cake, first time making one without a box and just had to google "how to temper eggs"......fingers crossed!!! Here's a couple shots from the beach:
Today's Stroll piece is the start of a series of four seasonal pieces by The Drawn Thread; first up is Winter. I stitched these back to back in 1997 and had them all framed the same so they make a nice grouping on the wall.
That blue one sticks out like a a sore thumb, but I loved winter stitched on it. I'll share the other seasons over the next three days. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Oops!!!!! I forgot to post yesterday so today you get a two-for!!!
As promised, here are the smalls to yesterday's post. Clockwise from upper left are a biscournu, needle book, and thread holder. The scissors were shown with the chart and I searched high and low without avail. My stitching buddy, Debbie, came to the rescue and found me the scissors and fob (there is a bee on the end of the fob). So sweet all around!!!
Thanks again for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Today's Stroll piece is A Sweet Stitch by Sure Hillis, stitched in 2011. This was originally a class piece but released to everyone at some point..that's when I snagged it. Whitman had come out with these tins one Easter in pink, yellow and green. I bought a couple and was looking for just the right design...this was it!!! I sure wish Whitman would come out with these again, or at least some tins that reflect their "sampler" heritage. I'll be sharing the box today and the accompanying smalls tomorrow.
The bottom is lined with green felted wool and the stitch part forms a "pocket" to slide your scissors in.
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
We are off to the beach to meet my brother and his wife for two days...a quick trip up and back to OCMD...a pre-birthday gift for my hubby! I'm getting these posts ready ahead of time since I won't be taking my laptop this time.
My Stroll piece today is The Little House by Bent Creek, stitched in 1996. This was probably one of my first, if not my first, forays into over one stitching. It is done on 32 count and is 1.25 X 1.25 inches...teeny...teeny...teeny! This is another one I may consider re-doing; not liking all the "space" past the design, might look for a tinier frame...if there is one!
Hoping to get some work in on my Samsarah calendar on the drive and on the beach!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
Yesterday morning the house house smelled heavenly as I baked zucchini bread. Zucchini was one of three veggies we planted in our small garden,for the sole purpose of making my favorite bread. Well, the tomatoes and beans have been going gang busters but we've only scrounged 3 zucchini all summer. We get lots of blooms, but then nothing....very disappointing, but I will savor what we did manage to harvest and the bread it became.
Today's Stroll piece is an old Pine Mountain kit, stitched in 2001, called the Honey Bee Pillow. It's a cute piece but sadly the fabric has faded over the years. I think I'm going to take a cue from RJ and Mary at Stitching Friends Forever and update it. They do a blog post monthly where they take an older piece and make it into something new...check out their current one at Stitching Friends Forever. I'm sure I have some cute bee fabric that can be incorporated.
I've been plugging away at the Christmas stocking and am moving into the toe section. The band with all the tiny tree motifs was a pain and I resorted to dragging threads all over thee back; I'll plan on using a darker lining fabric so they don't show.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
Well, we lucked out with the eclipse yesterday and the sun broke through the clouds at just the right moment. Hubby and I were gleefully watching through our box viewers when my neighbor walked over and asked how we were liking the eclipse? What eclipse? We were just seeing small white circles and thought it hadn't started yet!!! Turns out we were at 80-90% coverage and weren't seeing that in our viewers. She kindly offered to let us look through their glasses and we saw what we were missing. Pretty cool...nature surely put on a spectacular show...even without totality!!!
And speaking of glasses, my Stroll piece today exemplifies fashion eyewear!!! LOL These are Cross Eye Readers by Noteworthy Needle, stitched in 2014. The designer drilled holes into the lens and provided a tiny floral pattern to stitch. I wasn't sure if the design in the corners would bother me but I had to have a pair. As it turns out, your eyes adjust and I don't even notice the stitching. These are my "class" glasses and travel with me to my retreats.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Today is the BIG day of the eclipse. It's foggy here this morning and clouds/rain is forecast right during the optimum viewing period...drats! Oh well, it is what it is and we'll see what actually develops.
Strolling today with the smalls from yesterday's piece; these all fit in the back pocket. They are called Village Scene Needlecase and Village Scene Scissor Minder. There is also a hornbook with an alphabet.
I hope you have an enlightening...or darkening... day wherever you may be.... eclipse or not! Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Yesterday was a fun day spent with the "girls". We started with pizza for lunch, followed by pedicures and then dessert!
Now, on to my Stroll piece of the day......Alpahbet Primer Pocket, a class by Catherine Theron from 2015. The scene is totally stitched with a tent stitch, over one, on 32 count linen. I wasn't happy with how the linen showed through he outline border of black stitches, so I added some black velvet ribbon to cover that up. The back is a bargello stitched "pocket" to hold smalls, which I will share tomorrow.
Are you ready for the eclipse tomorrow? I made some cereal box viewers yesterday, so we can see what we can in our area. Hopefully, there are clear skies and optimum viewing. Any of you remember the eclipse of 1962? I recall being in our back yard with box viewers and being fascinated as it became dark in the middle of the day.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
OMG, yesterday was o-p-p-r-e-s-s-i-v-e; the humidity was so high it was like a "physical" presence. Yuck, yuck and more yuck!!! I am counting the days until the cooler temps of fall, but am still sharing a Stroll piece today called Summer Days. It's by Ewe and Eye and Friends and was stitched in 2000.
The next installment in the Blue Band Sampler SAL was delivered yesterday and I hopped right on it. Friday mornings have become a great time of anticipation!!!
I have a busy afternoon planned, lunch and pedicures with my daughter and granddaughter, then hubby and I have back to back eye exams. I'm probably due for an "upgrade"; my distance vision seems to be getting less..... shall we say.... "distant". I'll take a piece of linen with me to test that I will be able to see it with my new prescription.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
I'm channeling my inner Julie Andrews because today's Stroll piece highlights two of my favorite things.....needle in hand ....and .....the beach! It's by Hands on Design, Stitching by the Sea, completed in 2015. I love the bright, cheerful colors in this and the JABCO buttons are a perfect addition. I did use threads and fabric from my stash and instead of lining the "basket" with wool, I found a blue cotton fabric that reminded me of waves. I also added the "OC" on the top since that is my most special place "by the sea". OC stands for Ocean City, Maryland, a vacation spot I've been visiting since an infant.
Basket Interior
Top of Pincushio
Bottom of pincushion
Bottom of Basket
I'm discovering the world of Podcasts. I like to listen to books while driving, especially on trips, but sadly the library doesn't seem to be investing in many new ones. So, I'm having to burst out of my comfort zone and try this brave new world. There definitely is a learning curve involved; I don't know how many times I kept repeating the same prologue and couldn't get it to FF to the next chapter. Then my hubby asked if I knew how much data I was the heck do I know??? My daughter to the rescue!!! She had me download the Verizon app so I can see where I stand on the data usage and get alerts if I'm getting close to going over our limit. Then she suggested I "download" chapters, a few at a time, when I'm on a wireless network; then I'm not using data as I listen in the car. Whew...too much to worry about and learn. Maybe I need to go back to just turning on the radio!!!
Off to Costco this morning! Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
are about to return, so today's Stroll piece celebrates the month of August. It is from the Shepherd's Bush fold series of 2001. I have all 12 that I switch out monthly.
I've been selling some stash "overload" on FB....on the one hand it feels good to be realistic and pass things on to someone who may actually stitch it. On the other hand, it's a little mournful letting a bit of my "collection" go. But, I'm happy seeing that PayPal balance rise to help pay for future classes. :)
Are you all getting excited about the eclipse on Monday? My younger daughter lives in Brevard, NC (home of the White Squirrel Festival) and they are in the band that will witness the full eclipse. She gave my hubby this shirt for his birthday; he will proudly be wearing it Monday.
Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Thanks for all the kind comments/support about our grandchildren and Sierra Leone--it is much appreciated!
Today's Stroll piece is Stitch Little Darlin', a class I took from Merry Cox in 2004. This was quite a challenge at the time; I don't recall doing any 3-D projects before then. I added my hubby and daughter's names at the bottom of the verse and the buttons on the bottom for protection. I remember getting this finished in class but being very unhappy the bottom fit. I was able to re-do at home and was more pleased with the results. Note the thimble holder and a needle page is under the flap.
I received a pre-stitch in the mail for a class I'm taking in October at the Salty Yarns Jamboree. This is for a Sue Hillis class; the other teachers are Milady's Needle and a gold work class from Deborah Merrick-Wilson. I've never done gold work, so that will be a new experience for me.....long and short, I had to start the pre-stitch and this is where I am so far.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Before I begin my usual post, I am asking for prayers/positive thoughts to be sent to the area of Freeport, Sierra Leone, Africa where huge mudslides have wiped out a community. This is very close to the orphanage where my grandchildren are being housed waiting for final approval from the US Immigration Department. Thankfully my grandchildren are okay but their facility is expecting to have to take in numerous children orphaned by this disaster and there is concern about the spread of disease. Somebody please move this red tape forward and bring J&E home to the loving family who so anxiously await them!!! Thanks!
On to my Stroll piece, though my heart is not truly in it today. Watermelon Garden is a Black Sheep Night kit from Ewe and Eye and Friends, stitched in 1997.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
As promised, here is the "sequel" to yesterday's post. And Many More was another exclusive kit, by Just Nan, for the Silver Needle. This one was stitched in 2006. I was drawn to these because they are such sweet pieces, but not my favorites to stitch. There are so many "scattered" stitches and color changes, I feel I am constantly re-threading needles. The end results are worth it though!
The trees are continuing to grow on the stocking. I love trees and this chart is chock full of them!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
So, I stuck to my original plan yesterday and worked exclusively on the Christmas stocking while re-watching some episodes of Downton Abbey. I got one whole band completed and started another one. A lot of the "red" accents in the chart were done with beads, but I'm electing to stitch them with floss so it's not so froufrou.
On to my Stroll's 20 Flowers by Just Nan, stitched in 2004. This was an exclusive kit from the Silver Needle. It consisted of a scissor pocket and fob. There is a companion piece which I'll share tomorrow.
For those interested in the Mitford movie, it will be shown next Sunday night, the 20th, at 10:00PM on the Hallmark channel. I'm not sure about the casting, definitely been "hollywooded" up with Andie McDowell as Cynthia and a guy cast as Father Tim who looks anything but what I'd expect Father Tim to look like. I have it set to record and will reserve total judgment until I've seen it.
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
I woke up to thunder this morning around 7:00AM and we've been having some much needed rain since.....a perfect day to pop out the recliner and stitch...stitch....stitch!!! I plan to work on the Christmas stocking and maybe a placemat or two. Or who knows....I may pull out something totally different. I've been thinking about revisiting Downton Abbey.....I so miss that show...and this may be the perfect opportunity as hubby is busy elsewhere. On a side note, I just saw that the Hallmark channel is airing a movie, At Home in Mitford, sometime this month. I loved that series of books and hope they do them justice.
Yesterday, following my recuperative plan, I did manage to get a bit of stitching done. First, I got week 17 of the Blue Sampler Band SAL completed, the rows under the bottom alphabet.
Then I got the waxer bag from My Stitcher's Heart done.
This will go in it:
My Stroll piece today is Keeper of the Bees, a Black Sheep Night kit from Ewe and Eye and Friends, stitched in 1999.
Hope you'll be having a fun filled and/or relaxing weekend with a dash of needlin' thrown in. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!