Sunday, February 21, 2016

And the Pre-Stitching Begins.......

Even though I'm finished with the needlework challenge on FB, it continues with a  stream of beautiful work flowing down my timeline. This has been so enjoyable and motivating. But now, reality is setting in and I've got to get moving on the pre-stitch for my two Sherri Jones classes in April. I started with the Long Pocket first and followed Sherri's suggestion to begin with the smalls. Here is where I stand as of today:
Pin cushion and Scissor Sheath on bottom; start of needle case on top
I've learned a new stitch, the Peruvian loop stitch. I'm not sure it's been executed correctly, but it is acceptable at this point. 

I've also finished another in the Chalk series--June. I've been flitting back and forth between these two projects as the Long Pocket is a bit more tedious and I need a break every now and then. 

In my recent organizing mode, I came across a wedding sampler I had done for my hubby and I back in 1981. Now, at the time, this was 7 years after we were married. Now, almost 35 years later, I finally framed it!! There has been a definite love-hate relationship with this piece. When I stitched it, the budget was a little tight and I remember buying my floss from a catalogue...very cheaply. So, in this case, the old adage was definitely get what you pay for!!! I washed the piece (first and last time I've ever done that) and the pink in the ladies gown ran all over the place. I tried to get it out and made more of a mess. It was put aside and forgotten about until many years later. 

When I stumbled across it again, I had read an article about this problem. They suggested to keep rinsing and rinsing and rinsing until all the errant dye was out. This actually worked for the most part but I still had some telltale shadows. Again, it was put aside for some years. Then, the light bulb went off and I decided to tea stain it; this solved the "shadow" issue. But for some reason I again put it aside. I think that's because I had "evolved" in my stitching and didn't really care for the colors, aida, etc.. So, when I ran across it recently, all mounted and pinned, I had a little change of heart and decided to finally frame it (I've had the frame for eons). My thinking is, this is a good way to document how my stitching has evolved and it's a part of my needlework history. So here is the sampler in all it's glory......or not!!! :)

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. I love the smalls that you're doing and can't wait to see the finished project. I'm glad you finally framed your sampler. I have several samplers from my early days and it is eye-opening to look at them now and realize how far I've come, both in taste and skill!

  2. Good for you on getting your sampler framed! And you are right, it is part of your stitching history. It looks like you are off to a good start on your pre-stitching. Way to go on getting the June chalk piece finished!

  3. What count linen are you using for the chalk series?
    What a neat, neat sampler you finally framed. :)

    1. 30 count gunmetal from Weeks Dye Works---it's what the patterns call for.

  4. As always, I love your stitching... I agree we all need to look back now and then and see how our stitching has evolved. My first piece was a kit...on aida...of a robin...but I still have it and it brings back memories. Oh the issues with floss that runs... it happened to me once and I took bleach on a q-tip to the piece... salvaged it but wonder if some day it will deteriorate...oh well it wasn't a masterpiece so I'm ok whatever happens.

  5. Love those smalls. Sherri does them well. It's going to be a lovely piece. I used to tell my quilting students not to worry too much about their first pieces as we all had to start somewhere. This will be a nice reminder of just how far you've come.
