...and I have been doing just that!!! I got the final two pieces of the Hands on Design, Dream of the Sea, stitched and they are awaiting finishing. I had to put that off because I got an order from Salty Yarns (more on that later). But here are the two HOD pieces:
Corner Gauge Pocket
So now I have returned to a WIP, Summer Schoolhouse #2, by With Thy Needle and Thread. I did the lady awhile ago, but here is the gent.
I made 24 project bags (12 large and 12 small) and 6 lamp covers over the last few days for Salty Yarns. I forgot to take a photo and have them all packed up ready to ship. But I do have a photo of a bag I made for myself and a lamp cover.
Project Bag
Lamp Cover
lamp cover slides over your magnifying lamp and has a drawstring at the
top to secure in place. This protects from the sun shining through the lens
and prevents a possible fire.
Now I have made a number of these bags and always struggled with the zipper. I could get the one side in easily, but the second side was a bugger!!! I decided to google putting a zipper in a lined bag and found a site called Whitney Sews on YouTube and OMG..... she has a terrific way to sew in the zipper. It was one of those light bulb over the head moments...why didn't I think of that???? Thanks Whitney!!!
So, that's what I've been up to all week...how about you? Sorry to rush off, but I've got to get dinner going. Have a great week and thanks for your "twisted threads" of friendship.
.......and hoping to get my "stitch" on!!! We woke up to rain this morning (we need it) with a forecast of rain for the next few days. We are babysitting this afternoon/evening, but will be grabbing that needle as soon as the kiddies are gone. We will be going school clothing shopping this afternoon; I've always bought Asher and Cora a couple of outfits, but with four now I'm having to set a limit of $40 each. I took Cora shopping this morning and she is a bargain shopper and managed to get two adorable outfits for $40. I hope the others fare as well or it may be a bugger trying to explain to James and Esther...fingers crossed! (I have a 30% off coupon for Kohls so that could help!!!)
Yesterday was Rich and my 44th anniversary. I woke up to this sweet arrangement sitting on my lap top. The flowers came from Rich's (Pops) garden and were so bright and cheerful! We celebrated with a nice, quiet dinner out.... just the two of us.
On the stitching front, I managed to get two pieces stitched for the Hands on Design I Dream of the Sea set. I stitched,as called for, the tray and spool designs.
Last night I worked on the Black Sampler Band SAL, whose first installment came yesterday morning. Each week takes approximately three hours to stitch and I try to do it asap so I don't start to fall behind. I'm not doing mine in black, but a dark variegated brown.
I had been visiting my stash recently and came across this old project I had started in 2008, Quaker Turtles by With My Needle and Thread. There is a set of four turtles---a pincushion, needlebook, pocket and scissor fob. My original plan was to do all four, but after doing one I think that'll be it....very fiddly putting together....but the finishing instructions were detailed.
So, I have a friend (non-stitcher) who loves turtles and this will be a belated birthday present for her. I had started the needlebook but finished it as the pincushion. I'm showing it in a ceramic dish she had made for me. I'm officially adding this to my Stitch Stroll--#469.
Well, that's all I've got today...thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
Greetings!!! Hope all are enjoying a lovely weekend and squeaking in a little stitching!
I went to a new stitching group yesterday I happened upon FB this past week.....oh the power of the internet. I had a post come up on my timeline, through the Samplermakers group, that said there was a a group of stitchers (approx. 3-4) that had been meeting the second Saturday of the month at a Panera's in Richmond...if anyone was interested please let them know and feel free to show up. Well, it seems they got some responses and 6 new ladies showed up yesterday!!! It was wonderful...everyone was so nice and willing to share their love of stitching; I will definitely be going back. They are already talking about having to find a bigger space! Three of the ladies live not far from me and had it not been for FB, we'd probably never have met!
Since I wasn't sure of the lighting at Panera's, I pulled out an old Lizzie Kate piece, Needle Nick, I started in 2003. It's done on 18 count Davos over one, so I could see that pretty good without magnification. I had done the feet and legs waaaay back then and got the white band above them done at the meeting. ( I have to admit I was doing more talking/listening than stitching. :) Two of the ladies were working on HAED Designs that were amazing with total coverage, over one, on 24 and 25 count fabrics.
Now, on to my new start. After months of working on large projects, Celtic Banner and the Red Sampler Band SAL, I needed something fun and small. This is a shop exclusive kit I got about a year ago through Down Sunshine Lane. It was designed by Cathy at Hands on Designs and is called I Dream of the Sea which I do often! It includes all the stitching and finishing supplies including the tray and spool.
I am starting with the tray and this is what I have done so far:
Anyone gearing up for the World Cup game? It starts in about 30 minutes here. I will be stitching happily away while hubby watches, though I do think I'll root for the underdog, Croatia. I love and appreciate getting your kind comments and try my best to respond. However, when I try to respond, some of you come up as no-reply bloggers and I can't pull up an e-mail. If you'd like me to respond to you personally, please change that setting. I'm not sure if people ever go back to check to see if I've responded to the actual post on the blog so this response is for jhm.
Jackie, there is a charge for the band SAL's. If you go on FB and search iStitch Designs, you can find the info there. You can also go to Carol's blog to get the info to sign up: https://istitchaholic.blogspot.com/ Hope this helps!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a great week! Stasi
I'm back with another finish...this week has been very low key and allowed me time to undertake some finishing. I like to know that I have long expanses of time to work on finishing; I'm not good at starting and stopping or squeezing in between other commitments.
So the Red Sampler Band from iStitch Designs is completed. For those that may not know, this was a 28 week SAL on FB, that began this past January. We received a segment every Friday to our e-mail box from Carol, the designer. There was about 3-4 hours of stitching involved each week and I tried hard to keep up. We received a bonus chart at the end of the 28 weeks and that is the darker section at the bottom of my piece. This is my second SAL with Carol and I have immensely enjoyed both. I changed things up a bit by rearranging some sections, stitching some parts in a darker shade and adding the teapot/teacups band at the bottom. It's hard to get a good shot of the whole piece so I've broken it up into four photos. This was stitched on a 28 count banding, over one, with Glorianna Crimson and Cranberry.
I attached the banding to a vintage bobbin/spool, rolled it up, ran a red velvet ribbon through the center of the bobbin and tied it in a bow.
So now I'm ready and waiting for the Black Sampler Band SAL to start next Friday (I think). Here is what I've chosen this time:
I'm going to work on the 28 count natural banding using Valdani floss, Chocolate Brownies and Terracotta Twist. As you can see, I am not doing black...that's the fun of this project, people choose different colors and/or banding, so everyone's is unique. I had these fibers in my stash and plenty to be sure I'll have enough. I trying to channel an 'autumn' feel in the midst of these hot summer days. I'm not too fond of Valdani floss and may resort to beeswax to help with them. Stay tuned to see how this goes!!!
Hope you have a nice weekend; I'm hooking up tomorrow with a new stitching group in the Richmond area that I heard about this week on FB. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Wow...did we just have a pair of downpours...talk about raining cats and dogs...I actually have a puddle on my front porch! No need to water flowers tomorrow!!!
As promised, here is a photo of the grandgirls in the dresses we made; I think they're feeling pretty proud...I know I am! Thanks for indulging me!!!
Now on to the stitching front.... I've been in a finishing mood, so I dug out two pieces that were languishing in the finishing pile. First up is one I stitched in 2015 called Bumble; it's one of the joint Square-ology designs from Hands on Design and the JABCO button ladies. I finished as a pincushion stuffed with ground walnut shells so it has a nice 'weight' to it. I sewed this all around the perimeter then cut a small X in the back to pour the walnut shells in. I couldn't get it as full as I'd like this way but am quite pleased with the outcome. I had the backing fabric in my stash and sewed a square of muslin over the opening in the back (after sewing the X shut).
Then I tackled a piece I had started in 2007 and completed in 2008, Quaker Alphabet Band by The Marking Sampler. The original was tied on an oval basket, but I happened to have a round one that worked perfectly. Here is the original version: done in WDW Molasses.
Here is my version stitched with Silk n Colors Tapestry Green (which was more blue than green). The basket piece was done on 28 count linen banding over two, while the pincushion and scissor fob were done on 28 count Cashel linen over one.
It was suggested to sew the banding to the basket with invisible thread, but I found it's staying put with just the lacing there at the back. I also changed out tassels for a bead at the bottom of the scissor fob. Guess I have a new sewing basket!!!! Almost finished with the Red Sampler Band SAL...just need to add my name at the bottom; I'll post that and my choices for the Black Sampler Band SAL soon. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
Greetings all...we've had a break in the hot weather and have been enjoying some warm...not HOT days this weekend. I did get out for a walk this morning since it was in the upper 60's...first time in a couple months!!!
It's been a busy sewing/stitching week. I was determined to complete stitching the Christmas tree piece and get it finished. I had Cora and Esther over on separate days so we could work one on one on dresses for them. We got the last installment of the Red Sampler Band SAL on Friday and I hopped right to that; we also received a good sized bonus chart which I also delved into. So lots to share........
First up...the dresses! I'll post photos with them modeling them when I can because just hanging on the hangers doesn't do them justice. They picked out their own fabrics and chose the style...Cora went with a "cold shoulder" look.The girls each helped cut out the dress and sew everything (with me guiding on the sewing machine and them pushing the pedal) but the collar/shoulder areas.
Next up, progress on the Red Band Sampler SAL. I decided to do the bonus chart in a darker red, Glorianna Cranberry. The bands above that and below the alphabet were week 28. There is a bit more of the bonus chart to do and then it will be over just in time to start the Black Sampler Band SAL in a couple weeks. I'm still deciding what I want to do with that one..fabric and fiber.... so stay tuned!!!
And lastly, my finish and Stitch Stroll addition.... It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Xmas by Thistles. I stitched this over one on 32 count Slate Green by Lakeside Linens. I used most of the called for colors but substituted for ones I didn't have on hand. The size is approximately 7" tall and 5" at the widest bottom point. I mounted it on an old antique door knob. The doorknob was tarnished so badly, it was brown. I'm kind of wishing I hadn't cleaned it up, but maybe it'll tarnish up again real quick! :) I'm going to admit I'm not real happy with my finishing. I was so motivated to get this done, I didn't take the time to think it all through. I wish I'd left a little more linen past the stitched piece; it's hard to see the bottom wording. My thought process was there was a nice stitched outline that the rick rack would abut and make it easy to keep nice and straight. I may have used too tiny a trim because it doesn't show up that much. I started to "fuss" with it, but was afraid more damage than good would be done. But, despite all that, I still love this piece..loved it from the first moment I saw it!!!
Hope you all have a nice week and can squeeze some stitching time in. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Wishing all of us here in America a safe and happy Independence Day! A few reflective words from my, at the time, 4 year old grandson. After a long afternoon strolling Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg and hearing a mini lesson on our fight for liberty from his grandfather, these words popped out of Asher's mouth on the way home.... "King George can't have my money, my toys or my candy"!!! He's definitely a 'thinker'!!!
Happy Fourth to all.....thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
Yes....I did ride a roller coaster at Busch Gardens. It was probably one of the "tamer" ones though speeding through the dark at 53 mph was thrilling. There also was an 18 foot vertical drop after we had come to a stop in the middle of the ride--totally unexpected!!! There was a lotta screaming going on on my part! :) I rode with James and this was his first experience at an amusement park. He loved it and went on to ride another with my hubby. It was also Cora's first roller coaster ride and she was a little rattled by it and didn't want to get on any more. Since she was my 'assigned' partner, neither did I, but we squeaked in some other fun rides. Here are James and me before we took off!!!
It was terribly hot but we managed about 6 hours in the park and everyone had a great time! My SIL's company gave all the families matching tee shirts.
Earlier in the week we drove to Wilmington, NC to spend a couple days with family and celebrate some birthdays and a graduation. I loved that area and can't wait to go back. We spent a day at Wrightsville Beach which was very nice...not too big of waves and the water temp was perfect! Here is a cool photo (idea compliments of my sister-in-law) we took one evening at the beach.
So, as you can guess, not much stitching has been going on. I did manage to get another piece done in the Samsarah calendar series stitched in the car.
And yesterday was a recuperative day, so I stitched a good bit while bingeing on Queer Eye on Netflix. I got wee 27 done on the Red Band Sampler SAL and almost completed the house on It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.
I'm going to be helping Cora and Esther each make a sundress this week, but plan to stay home and stitch as much as possible to avoid going out in the heat. Hope you are staying cool and comfy if you are also dealing with this heat wave!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!