I apologize in advance for not taking many photos this time, so this is mostly essay.
My long weekend started with my drive down to Ocean City on Thursday. Thankfully it was uneventful with stops for lunch at Panera and a swing by Hobby Lobby. Met up with my roomie, Debbie, and settled in for the afternoon. Paola soon arrived, as well as other attendees and a group of us had a nice dinner together at Hook, a new restaurant to me. After an early morning start, I was beat but managed to track down Amy and Kathy and set up a time to walk in the morning. I think I was in bed by 10:00 PM knowing I had a 6:30 AM wake up call. However, I had a call to my cell phone at 4:45AM which bolted me out of bed and then I couldn't go back to sleep --- a recorded message which I couldn't even understand. So, I got some work done and was definitely ready for my early morning walk. Amy, Paola and I did just half the boardwalk since we had to get ready for class at 9:00 but it was enough to get us up and running for the day.
Class was in Sara's place so we had beautiful views of the ocean to glimpse during breaks. Betsy started class promptly at 9:00 AM and so began our full day of working on the thimble case for The Edinburgh Etui.
Betsy is a fabulous teacher and well prepared, and most had their "crown" finished, or almost finished, by the end of the day. I still have some "tweaking" on mine but will share as soon as it's done. One of the ladies, Grace from England, suggested we put some ermine on the crown and Sara was able to find some chenille in the shop and give us all a piece to add--so very cute! Lunch was fabulous, as usual, as Sara always does such a great job with that. And what could be better than sitting on the porch watching the waves and breathing in the salt air while eating!!! After class, we all headed to Salty Yarns to shop and then off to dinner. I just walked a couple blocks down to a pizza place for dinner knowing what was to come. There was a reception in the lobby at 7:00PM with appetizers and desserts, followed by stitching and show and tell. A great first day!!!
Saturday started with another walk on the boardwalk, this time the whole length of it--4 1/2 miles (I was sure getting in all my 10000 steps on my FitBit)! That of course meant starting earlier to fit it all in and get back in time for breakfast and a shower before class. The second day of class was the remainder for the Etui with Betsy going over all the instructions for stitching and finishing.
Sunday started again with a walk on the boardwalk--you really can't beat it--with Amy and Paola. I do have a photo to share that Amy had sent me. It shows us standing in front of the "yellow dot" that you are supposed to touch at each end of the boardwalk. It reads "You're not done the journey until you've touched the spot..Now turn around and do it again". Kind of corny but we still had to touch it!!!

Sunday's class was the Edinburgh Reticule.
We had pre-stitched the needlebook for this one and Betsy wasted no time getting us started on the finishing. I have my side together and just need to lace it all up and add the felt pages. I like to get started in class but then tend to complete it at home where I can take my time and have everything I need at my finger tips. Again, I will post when it is finished. Sunday evening found most of the ladies leaving but luckily I was able to stay a few more days and spend some one on one time with Paola.
More to follow tomorrow but a BIG "Thank You" to Sara, Sally, Mary and the gang for the fantastic time I am always shown when attending these events. How they managed the absolutely exquisite weather is beyond me!!!! And...... it's always great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!