Saturday, September 14, 2024

My Needlework, a Soothing Balm for the Soul......762-770

 Where to has been awhile and a nasty aspect of life has worked its way into our world. As I mentioned in my last post...almost 2 months Mom had fallen and broken her hip. She has reovered very well, especially for a woman of 92 years. Sadly, while in the hospital then, it was discovered that she has cancer. So, the last 2 months have involved many trios to Baltimore and back for doctors appointments, staying with my Dad while Mom was in rehab and just being there for support. My Mom is scheduled to start 5 weeks of chemo and radiation on Monday. She spent time between deciding to do nothing and moving forward with treatment. The doctors said it was treatable and she'd eventually be in a lot of pain if she did nothing. We are very concerned about all this at her age, but are supporting her decision and hoping for the best. It's weird, but I have not broken down and cried throughout all of this, but I am now.... I guess putting it out there on paper , so to speak, has made it all real. We have been blessed to have her....and my Dad for so long! Prayers and positive thoughts will be appreciated. 

Tears wiped, nose on to my saving needlework. I have been amazed at how much I've accomplished through all this, but I may have left housework and chores slide to keep my sanity! LOL I'll share these in no special order and am not taking the time to say what I used to stitch them. If you have a question about a certain project, just shoot me a comment and I'll respond. 

First up is Santa's Delivery #2 by Teresa Kogut. Stitched on 18 perforated paper that I colored with a black Sharpie. The one on the right is the latest one.

Mary Briggs by Erica Michaels...finished on a hornbook. I did this on 45 count, over one, to make it fit. I love this saying and enjoy stitching win-win!!! This was my September Sampler Stitch!

Avery's Ornament 2017 by Homespun Elegance. This was my September #12in24ornamentstitchalong.

Trick or Treat  and Pumpkin Brew, both from Jack O'Lanterns Jubilee by With Thy Needle and Thread. I sewed these back to back and put them in a cute little Halloween jar I found at Marshalls, on a bed of green beads.

Sampler Bag by Shepherd's Bush. 

'Tis Christmastime by Merry Cox...this was an exclusive offer from The Attic a few years ago.

Christmas Pudding by Tangled Threads and Things....this was in the 2023 JCS Ornament magazine. I'm going to gift it to the lady that has been bringing me my 'scone of the month' gift. My friend , Lisa, had given me the tiny cloche.....perfect for it!

The last thing I stitched, but this was a bit ago, was an exchange piece.....Milady's Acorn Box by Milady's Needle.

Finally, these are things I received from other stitchers. The first two are from an exchange and the next two are from my Secret Stitchers with the DVHSG.

This was in the wrapped package above...all I cold say was WOW!!!

Final gift from DVHSG Secret Stitcher '23-'24

DVHSG gift from new Secret Stitcher '24-25

Thanks for sticking with me, if you made it this far. I'm closing with a photo of my family....they bring joy always!!!

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!



  1. I am keeping everything crossed that your Mum's upcoming treatment goes well. I have been thinking of you a lot recently, but we've been without the internet for almost 2 weeks, you don't realise how much you rely on it. Glad you have still been stitching, you have a lot of lovely things finished. The tiny bell jar is adorable.

  2. The Santas look great on those little houses.
    All great projects & exchanges.
    Love the Acorn box.
    Sorry to hear about your Mom, positive thoughts for her.
    Take care.

  3. Lifting your Mom up in prayer as she begins her treatment for cancer; keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, Stasi. Each one of your stitched pieces is fabulous. Well done! What wonderful goodies you received in your Secret Stitchers exchanges. I love the family photo at the end.

  4. Oh Stasi. Brian and I will pray for your Dear Mother and Father and all of you. xoxo
    Clever you!! Yes, just use a Sharpie on that perforated paper. Love each and every piece you created. That pumpkin piece you were gifted!! If you don't want it.....
