Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Recent Finishes and Finds......755-758

 Greetings.....I thought I'd share some recent finishes today While at StitchCon I finished a piece I am doing for a friend, so can't share that for a bit. Then I started on my project for Stitch Camp with The Colorado Stitcher. Our project for June was to pick a monochromatic design and add a pop of color or take a multi color design and stitch it in one color. I opted for the first and stitched Merry Christmas 2020 from Hello from Liz Matthews. I even got to share my start with Liz herself! I stitched it over one on 29 ct. natural Glenshee linen with Vikki Clayton silks. I added a piece of tiny green chenille around the edges since I was a little "off" on my sizing for the foam core. It was the perfect size for a little stand I had gotten after Christmas one year.

Speaking of cross sticth camp, here is my camp badge added to my camp project bag. It's the one on the left, center. 

I FFO'd this piece at the end of May......One Nation by Samplers Not Forgotten. This was a club kit I bought from a friend.  It was stitched on 40 ct WDW Beige with WDW fibers. I changed up the panel on the left by substituting a section from A Primitive Hare Chart, Patriotic Queen of the Needle.  

    This project was received by it's recipient, so I can now share, A Second Helping of Strawberry Sweeties by Wendy KC Designs. This was stitched on 32 ct. flax linen with Belle Soie silks and Petite Treasure Braid.

I've been working on my fairy witch, Fauna by Brookes Books. and have the stitching complete. I now have to finish her. I am not doing her hat as it covers most of her white hair. I had so much trouble reading this chart and accidently reversed some colors, but I think she turned out wonderfully. She reminds me of Galadriel in Lord of the Rings. 

On to my finds while antiquing..... Lisa saw this necklace and pointed it out to me...had to come home with did the tiny thimble.

Misc. finds at good prices

I love alphabets and stitching alphabets. I found this cool box of ribbons, one roll with each letter of the alphabet...26 in all, of course!!! I loved the box and took it off the shelf. All the spools proceeded to spill out and roll all around the floor; I was scrambling to scoop them all up. The holes in the sides of the box, 13 on each side, allow the ribbon to pass through to the outside. I'm not sure how "vintage" this is, but I had never seen anything like it.

My favorite find was this signed print by Catherine Grunewald. There was some damage to the mats a tiny section of the print that I think I can press out. She was very popular back in the late 90's and I bought a few of her prints then. I just googled her and she passed in 2021. I will remove the mats and reframe.  It's a small poster size and was only $25!!! Couldn't resist!

Well, that's it for today. We start watching 2 of our grand kids today and the next 5 days. Half of them are on their way to a baseball tournament in Atlanta and the other two had obligations here. We'll be back and forth between our houses as they're only 5 minutes way.

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!




  1. Beautiful stitched items.
    You found some great treasures!
    Love that ribbon box, so unique.

  2. Your finds are awesome especially that box of ribbons and the poster, Stasi. What lovely finishes you shared! Enjoy the time with the grands.

  3. Such lovely finishes, Stasi! I don't know how you manage to stitch and finish so much--you are amazing! I think your decision on leaving the white hair showing is a good one for the BB fairy. I'm sure you're enjoying your time with the grandkids--at their ages now, they are probably pretty self-sufficient ;) Enjoy your weekend ♥

  4. You've been so busy Stasi, I feel weary just reading all that you have been doing! Your finishes are beautiful. I'm the complete opposite to you and hate stitching alphabets, which is why I don't stitch many samplers. I find them so tedious but having said that, I just started Nicola Parkman's on line class, which has two on there, so wish me luck. Happy stitching! Sue x
