I have turned my stitched piece (shown last blog entry) into a project bag. The instructions for the finishing were from Karen of Sew Much 2 Luv and were part of the chart. This piece was a collaboration between Karen and Cathy of Hands on Design. The finishing went fairly smoothly although I did french seams rather than serge. Not sure I'd do that again as it added too much bulk to the seams. And....... after almost 50 years of sewing, I was humbled by a major faux pas......I sewed the piece for the inside pocket to the wrong end and wound up with it upside down and not useable. Sadly, I found this out too late to fix!!! But, I am very happy with how it turned out and can't wait to put a new project in it! Oops--I forgot to add a zipper pull but I'll get right on that!
Here is my progress on And They Sinned:
I feel like I'm stalling out--have to keep motivated!!! I started another small piece to give myself a break...maybe that will re-energize me!!! I've only got one section after this one left! Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi
Greetings fellow stitchers!!! How are you in the north handling all this snow and extremely cold weather? I got a little taste of it last week when we drove to Rockford, IL to visit hubby's brother for a few days...and let's just say I was happy to get home to my couple of inches. Per my last blog post, I was able to make it down to Ocean City for my stitching weekend. Had a wonderful time visiting, sharing, eating and shopping the Super Bowl Sale. I even had belated birthday and Christmas gifts waiting for me--thanks Debbie and Sara! Here's the weekend in a nutshell: I got there Thursday and it was dinner at Sunset Grille for Italian night. What a deal--salad, lasagna and cannolis(sp) for $10.99!!! Friday, spent the day carousing Salty Yarns and adding items to my "bag", stitching, then a reception at Sara's with delicious appetizers. Saturday was spent with more stitching, visiting others apartments to see what they were working on and cooking Cincinnati chili for dinner. Sunday, more stitching, visiting and buying my "bag". Then it was Super Bowl time..not much watching the game....more gabbing! Monday, I got an early start home since we were leaving for Rockford the next morning. So, Here's what I got at the the sale:
I needed a new light with magnification since my Ott just wasn't cutting it anymore. I used birthday money from my parents to get this--thanks Mom and Dad! It's a Craft Light Dorsett model. I worked on the piece I had started at the shore last October and managed to get it finished. My only change was the beehive motif and adding the teeny bee button. Now to make it into a project bag.
On our drive to Rockford (12 hours each way) I managed to get another Calendar piece done during the day light hours and between snow storms. Turnpike driving is soooo boring but seeing Paneras's at the rest stops in Ohio brightened my day.
I continue working on And They Sinned and have moved up to above the alphabet section. That was a nice respite because soon there will be more heavily stitched areas. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! (Sorry about the "bump'--too lazy to take it off the Q-snap). Hope to get quite a bit more stitched this weekend as we're binge watching the first seasons of Game of Thrones in anticipation of season 4's release next week!
Last but not least, I couldn't show these until now since they were gifts. I had seen this idea on FB last October on the Prim Stitchers site, posted by Patty N Dave. I managed to find the lockets at Michael's and stitched the small saying on 52/60 count linen in order to fit. I had to use petite needles to fit....and they just barely made it!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship! Stasi