Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Taking It One Day at a Time........762

 Not much stitching has been accomplished over the last 10 has gotten in the way. My Mom fell on 7/11 and broke her hip. It was replaced and she was in the hospital for 6 days, then moved to a rehab facility. My Dad is pretty helpless, pretty much due to my Mom waiting on him all his life. So, my two brothers, Rich and I are taking turns staying with him. It's a small apartment and we slept five nights on an air mattress...more to come! :) We're doing long stretches since it's a 3 1/2-4 hour drive for us, one way. 

My Mom is in good spirits most days, but is anxious to get on the move and go home. She's a tough cookie!!!

Stitching there is not ideal, but I took my very old Visual Mate and was able to work on a gift for a friend and Santa's Delivery #2. I can't share the gift, but here is Santa:

He's stitched on white 18 ct. perforated paper that I colored black with a sharpie.

Since I've been home, I've been working on a piece or an exchange I'm in with a fall theme. This is by Milady's Needle.

I also was able to take my Zoom class this past Saturday with Beth Seal of Summer House Stitche Workes. This was a fun class and we made the paper flower topper and wax holder in class. I had my pre-stitching done, so was able
 to finish all the pieces on Sunday. This is the The Golden Apiary .

Not sure what the next few weeks few weeks will hold, but counting on my needlework to get me through. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Surviving the Heat Wave.......759-761

 It has been a HOT summer!!! We finally had some rain on the 4th, but it didn't last long. We've been watering plants daily and it's getting old. On the upside, lots of stitching and finishing has been going on. We went to NC to visit Rich's brothers, one lives in Wilmington and one was flying in form TX. Sadly, the TX brother and his wife arrived with Covid and wound up spending their time in a hotel room for three days. We only spent a short time with them, while they confirmed with a test, but my other SIL and BIL wound up getting it. Somehow, we miraculously didn't!!! We still managed to enjoy our time there. A cousin of mine took us out on her boat for a ride up the Intercoastal and we did make it to the beach one day where we met up with my younger daughter and family, who were vacationing in the area. We had  a blast with Jax playing in the waves. Here is a shot of him in his swim wear!!!

Now on to some needlework. My friend, Lisa, gave me one of the SB mini bags
 and chart. Can you guess which one???

You got it...Buzz!!! A quick and fun stitch, that is pre-finished, so when you're done, you're done. And speaking of bees, check out this pair of boxes I found in the clearance section at Home Goods!

I finished the 1889 Alphabets,  by Needlework Press, piece on a spool...another quick and easy finish! I did this on a 28 ct. banding with Vikki Clayton silks. I decided to coffee stain the piece after I stitched it to make it look more vintage. I changed the last name to my grandmothers since this was a Czech sampler and my maternal great grandparents were from Czechoslovakia. I could leave the initials as my grandmothers were AM; I also changed the date to the year my grandmother was born. 


I also finished Fauna, The Fairy Witch, by Brookes Books. I did leave off her hat though, since I liked the white hair. This is my July ornament for the #12in24ornamentsal. I just love her!!!

Now, some WIPs.... I finished the stitching for an upcoming Zoom class with Beth from Summer House Stitche Workes. This will be a drum and a pincushion. 

A friend loaned me this chart from Scarlet House; it was a retreat piece and hopefully will be available to shops at some point. 

I put some time in on these two:

Live on Little by Plum Street

Bristol Green by Dutch Treat Designs

And, finally, I made 7 pillowcases for the charity, Beds for Sleepyheads, from Stitch Con and mailed them off to Keepsakes.

Now it is off to JoAnn's and Costco before it gets too hot. I hope you are staying cool, if you're experiencing this heat wave, and enjoying nicer weather if you are not. Thankfully we can stitch in climate controlled environments. How did we ever do it before A/C???

Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship.