Anybody else a Judy Collins fan? She's one of my favorite folk singers..had such a lovely voice.
It's been a busy month since I last posted....a week traveling to and from Nashville, followed by a long weekend in Baltimore spent with my parents and daughter and son-in-la from NC and another long weekend in OCMD taking a class with Catherine Theron.
Nashville was a lot of fun, but seemed rather low key this year. Not sure if it was Covid related or another reason. There used to be a lot of frenzied excitement about Market because, in the past, you didn't know what was coming out at Market until you got there. Now, with all the previews and pre-orders, there are not many "surprises". Nonetheless, it's great to see all the new designs in person and chat with the designers. I am very lucky to attend and help Sally and Sara. My favorite find...and it wasn't even cross stitch...was a wool felt designer, Under the Garden Moon. She had some adorable projects and I treated myself to her Book of Sampler Stitches. This came with a huge piece of linen that has the stitches and names printed on it and you just fill in with the embroidery stitches/motifs. There are tutorials to help you along with each section.
Here are my stash enhancements from hard to limit!!!
I thought you might get a kick out of this: Beth Twist designed and stitched a QR code that she wore as a pin. When you scanned it, it took you to her website...pretty cool, huh!!!! Try it, it works!!!
When we were at my parents, my daughter, Jess, brought a quilt she had made years ago and recently had quilted. She asked if I would bind it for her. Having done this only once, on a wall hanging back in the 80's, I said I'd try. Well, it was much easier than I thought, though working with a full size quilt is quite different than working with a wall much fabric to deal with!!! But I persevered and it tuned out great. She'll be getting it back Easter weekend.
As I mentioned, I made a trip to OCMD and took a class with Catherine Theron. It was a great weekend with old and new stitching friends. Here is my class piece...lovely but has a lot of spider trellis stitches....not my friend!!! I will attempt them, but may abandon for another "round" stitch if I continue to be stymied!!!
Now on to some finishes.... First up is my March ornament for the SAL on IG sponsored by Carol Of Stitching Dreams. It's Letter to Santa by Living on the Rainbow. She is a designer from Ukraine and this was my second piece of hers I stitched this year. Done on 18 ct perforated paper and finished as an envelope. I left the top open this time so I could insert cash or a gift card. I had to finagle a bit as part of Santa's face was over one and wouldn't work on the paper.
Next is Plant Some Flowers Scissor Keep by Sue Hawkins. This was a little kit and I used the included fibers and 18 ct canvas. I changed the wording from "plant some flowers" to "plant some kindness". Isn't this the sweetest???
Last but not least is Block Party 17th by Hands on Design. I did change this up a bit fabric and fiber wise. I stitched on 32 count Vintage Tundra by Lakeside with a combo of WDW, CC and VMS fibers. I wanted more of a 'greeny' green rather than a 'yellowy' green...if that makes sense. I then had to change the wool topper too. I decided to join the pieces using a DMC #12 perle cotton. I found that a bit easier to see and slip my needle under to join.
Here are a few WIP's that got some attention over the past month:
Denim Band Sampler SAL by iStitch Designs |
New Car Project...Spirit of Christmas Stitching Angel by Brookes Books |
The Sweet Shop by Living on the Rainbow |
To end, here is a little present I gifted myself with. It's an Afternoon Tea Sewing Station by A E Williams. It's pewter and from England. A friend had posted a photo awhile back and I ordered one. It took a bit to get here but was so worth the wait. The cup lid lifts off and is a pincushion, the tea pot is a thimble and the scissors were included.
Hope you have a lovely Easter and spring season. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!