Greetings! I hope all my US friends have recovered from your Thanksgiving food induced comas and that everyone is getting into the holiday spirit. I feel we have an extra week to prepare since Thanksgiving was so early, but know that tends to create a false sense of security. Christmas is barrelling down on us with all the decorating, gift buying and stress related preparations. I am a bit ahead of the game this year as I completed the annual ornaments for the grand kids. Now that I have four, I felt pressured to be sure I got them done in plenty of time; they have already put up their family tree and the small individual ones in their respective rooms. So here are Plum Street Samplers Noah's Christmas Ark I, II and III. I stitched them on 28 count gingham fabric over two with the DMC conversion. I added the tiny white vintage rick-rack inside the checkerboard border and think that helped brighten them up a bit. I added the red bells (spread out more than the original chart showed) at the bottom and a JABCO button on each. I'll be presenting them tomorrow when we're scheduled to babysit.
These four are now officially added to my Stroll.
I got week 19 done on the Black Sampler Band SAL. I'm debating whether I want to do the next one, but have time to decide. I think I'll miss receiving the much anticipated bands every Friday, so I'll probably break down and order it. :)
I have some good news I'd like to share. Many of you know that my older daughter and her husband adopted two children form Sierra Leone, Africa last year. It's hard to believe the one year anniversary of their arrival is December 9th ......and what a whirlwind year it has been!!! There have been major life adjustments for all involved, and I won't go into details, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A few months ago my daughter applied to an organization called Adventure is Out There that gives three families of adopted children, who have experienced trauma in their lives, a free vacation where they can relax and bond as a new family unit. I am thrilled that my daughter's family was one of the three chosen and they will be winging their way to Disney World in the near future. And guess what.....we're going too!!!! Of course we have to pay our own way, but the organization said we could "tag" along and thought it a good opportunity for us to bond too! I am so excited and can't wait to see the grands experience and share the wonder of Disney while creating a lasting family memory. Woo-hoo!!!! This is a photo of when they found out the news. My daughter had gotten them each a duffle bag for traveling with puzzle pieces in them that spelled out "we're going to Disney World". back to working on some Christmas gifts. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!
These four are now officially added to my Stroll.
I got week 19 done on the Black Sampler Band SAL. I'm debating whether I want to do the next one, but have time to decide. I think I'll miss receiving the much anticipated bands every Friday, so I'll probably break down and order it. :)
I have some good news I'd like to share. Many of you know that my older daughter and her husband adopted two children form Sierra Leone, Africa last year. It's hard to believe the one year anniversary of their arrival is December 9th ......and what a whirlwind year it has been!!! There have been major life adjustments for all involved, and I won't go into details, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A few months ago my daughter applied to an organization called Adventure is Out There that gives three families of adopted children, who have experienced trauma in their lives, a free vacation where they can relax and bond as a new family unit. I am thrilled that my daughter's family was one of the three chosen and they will be winging their way to Disney World in the near future. And guess what.....we're going too!!!! Of course we have to pay our own way, but the organization said we could "tag" along and thought it a good opportunity for us to bond too! I am so excited and can't wait to see the grands experience and share the wonder of Disney while creating a lasting family memory. Woo-hoo!!!! This is a photo of when they found out the news. My daughter had gotten them each a duffle bag for traveling with puzzle pieces in them that spelled out "we're going to Disney World". back to working on some Christmas gifts. Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!