Happy New Year--who can really believe it is 2014??? It is so hard to absorb how quickly time is passing! I really need it to sloooow down--I have so much I want to accomplish with my stitching..and other things in my life. I guess the old adage "one day at a time" comes in to play here--just concentrate on what you can get done and don't fret about the rest!
There are a few things I wanted to share. First, we had a wonderful Christmas with my family. We, and my daughter from NC, met up at my daughters in Richmond and were able to enjoy 3 days together. Here are a couple pics:
This one says it all---a frenzied blur!!! |
My older daughter and her husband have started the process to adopt a child/children from Ethiopia so they took us out for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant one night. I have to say it was a unique experience but pretty tasty--I had minced lamb. We had to eat with our fingers using a spongy type of bread called injera. There was a definite learning curve to figure how to scoop and lift to mouth without dropping all over the place! I have to say I was mighty proud of myself because I am a fairly picky eater!
I also wanted to share a couple gifts my daughter made for her little girl that were just too darn cute.
This will store all her dress- up clothes. There are mirrors on both ends and it's on wheels. |
diapers and wipes for itty bitty baby |
I forgot to take a photo of this, but they made a "tent -in-a bag" kit for my grandson that included a large piece of camo fabric, clips, bungee straps and tape! Pops helped him build one right before we left!!!
I got a fitbit for Christmas and am hoping it will keep me motivated in the never ending battle of middle age "spread" Though I guess at 61 I may be past middle age!!!
Next up is a pic of something I made for friends for Christmas. I used the Erica Michaels A Needlebook Collage as inspiration and made three different color versions. These were really fun to make; I searched my stash, Hobby Lobby and Michaels for items to use as embellishments. Now I just need to use my original kit and make one for myself!
I also managed to get an ornament stitched for a good friend who vacations in Hawaii every year. It's done on perforated paper but was quick to finish!
Hawaii Sampler by Mill Hill |
Now on to my New Year start! I have two classes scheduled with Sherri Jones in April at Salty Yarns, so that will be what I concentrate on the next few months. I started The Mermaid's Two Tales on New Years Day. Here is my progress so far:
You can see a mermaid, holding a mirror, starting to appear on the left. This is a monochromatic piece using just two shades of blue. We have to pre-stitch the piece and will learn the finishing in class. The other class is A Fine and Fancy Tulip Tray. That will be up next and I'll post photos when I start that one. So, as usual, a busy stitching year planned--just hope I can keep up!
Finally, I thought that since I started my blog two years ago on New Years day, that it was time for a giveaway! If you leave a comment to this post, I will add your name to a drawing for one of two items. There will be two separate winners--one for the kit and one for the needle case. The kit includes the chart and Kreink Silk Mori Milkpaint fibers and is called Dutch Sampler by Tricia Wilson Nguyen of Thistle Threads. It's one of the "Remember the Ladies" collection from Kreinik, The other is a Just Nan needle slide. I've never done this before so I'm feeling my way!

I'd also like to get my blog out there more, so if you have a friend (who's new to my blog) enter the drawing and they mention you referred them to my blog, I'll add another entry for you in the drawing. Just be sure they mention you or I'll have no way to know. I'll have my hubby pick the winner on January 6th and will post the winner on my blog the next day. I'll then have you contact me with your mailing info. If I don't hear back from the winners by the 10th, I will draw another name, so please be sure to check the blog on the 7th! Good luck all and Happy New Year!!!!
I'm going to end this post with a photo of my parents mantel all decked out in the small stockings I made--years ago-- for all my siblings and their families. Sadly, as the family has grown, I haven't managed to keep up...but who knows...maybe one day!!!
Thanks for stopping by and your "twisted threads" of friendship!